====== Create USB Disk Boot ======
* http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc976786.aspx
* http://bootableusb.net/
* http://windowsforums.org/topic/8410-how-to-create-a-windows-xp-usb-install-disk/
* http://www.vn-zoom.com/f94/cach-tao-usb-boot-bang-bootice-de-cai-win-xp-7-8-win-mini-kis-hiren-boot-ghost-2890023.html
* http://www.livecdlist.com/
===== Basic about boot disk =====
==== Master Boot Record ====
The MBR, the most important data structure on the disk:
* **is created when the disk is partitioned**.
* The MBR contains a small amount of executable code called the **master boot code**, the disk signature, and the **partition table for the disk**. At the end of the MBR is a 2-byte structure called a signature word or end of sector marker, which is always set to 0x55AA. A signature word also marks the end of an extended boot record (EBR) and the boot sector.
**Note**: There is **no MBR on a floppy disk**. The **first sector on a floppy disk is the boot sector**. Although every hard disk contains an MBR, **the master boot code is used only if the disk contains the active, primary partition**.
=== Master Boot Code ===
The master boot code performs the following activities:
* Scans the partition table for **the active partition**.
* Finds the starting sector of the active partition.
* Loads a **copy of the boot sector from the active partition into memory**.
* **Transfers control to the executable code in the boot sector**.
=== Partition Table ===
The partition table, a 64-byte data structure used to identify the **type and location of partitions** on a hard disk, conforms to a standard layout independent of the operating system. Each partition table entry is 16 bytes long, with a maximum of four entries. Each entry starts at a predetermined offset from the beginning of the sector, as follows:
* Partition 1\ 0x01BE(446)
* Partition 2\ 0x01CE(462)
* Partition 3\ 0x01DE(478)
* Partition 4\ 0x01EE(494)
Figure 1.1 shows the MBR, partition table, and boot sectors on a disk with four partitions. The definitions of the fields in the partition table and the extended partition tables are the same.
===== Create USB boot disk =====
==== Prepare tools ====
* BootIce -> Make usb bootable(Write MBR, PBR)
* Winsetupfromusb: http://www.winsetupfromusb.com/downloads/ -> generate menu.lst
* rufus: http://rufus.akeo.ie/
==== Create boot disk ====
=== Using BootIce to write MBR(Master Boot Record) and PBR(Partition Boot Record) ===
* MBR: Grub4dos
* PBR: Grub4dos or BOOTMGR
* BootIce read **menu.lst** to display bootable iso
=== Create Disk Boot Install for windows ===
Using WinSetupfromUsb to convert ISO windows(XP, windows7, Windows 8) for installing on USB
=== update menu.lst for menu boot ===
title Active Boot Disk
find --set-root /Active_BootDisk.iso
map /Active_BootDisk.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)
title Windows XP/2000/2003 Setup
map --unmap=0:0xff
map --unhook && map --rehook
ls /usbdrive.tag > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /usbdrive.tag
configfile /winsetup.lst
==== Install WinXP ====
Check computer hard drive for SATA, If in BIOS enable SATA, we need to disable it
==== Create boot disk for iso ====
Using WinSetupfromUsb and function **Linux ISO/Other Grub4dos compatible ISO** to convert file ISO to USB for boot. Below are some ISOs created follow this method:
* **hiren Boot ISO** -> **new GUI is Windows 10**
* **Vsphere server ISO**
===== Create USB boot backtrack =====
==== Preparation ====
* reference: http://www.remote-exploit.org/backtrack_docs.html
* download: http://www.remote-exploit.org/backtrack_download.html
==== Make a BackTrack(v2 and v3) USB Stick ====
=== step by step on linux ===
- Step1: Open the backtrack.iso file:
mount -o loop -t iso9660 backtrack.iso /mnt/iso
- Step2: mount usb drive:
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/usbflash
- Step3: copy backtrack to usb flash
cp -R /mnt/iso/boot /mnt/usbflash
cp -R /mnt/iso/BT /mnt/usbflash
- Step1: Make the usb bootable
cd /mnt/usbflash/boot
=== step by step on windows ===
- Step1: Open the backtrack.iso file
use isobuster
- Step2: copy /boot and /BT to usb drive J
- Step3: Make the usb bootable
cd J:\boot
=== Configure ===
* Network(DHCP)
ifconfig eth0 down
* DNS server
edit /etc/resolv.conf
===== Experiences about installing =====
Install windows 7: Using windows 7 to format before install windows -> windows 7 will automatic create **system partition** to load windows 7 partition