====== Vim Editor ====== ===== Cursor movement commands ===== h move the cursor one space to the left j move the cursor one space down k move the cursor one space up l move the cursor one space to the right ===== Deleting text ===== x delete the character at the cursor dd delete a line ===== File saving ===== :w save (write to disk) :q exit :q! quit and not save ===== Modifing Text ===== a Append some text from the current cursor postion A Append at the end of the line i Insert text to the Left of the cursor I Inserts text to the Left of the first non-white character on current line o Open a new line and adds text Below current line O Open a new line and adds text Above the current line ===== undo the chages ===== On occasions you may need to undo the changes. The following commands restore the text after changes. u Undo the last command U Undo the current line from all changes on that line :e! Edit again. Restores to the state of the last save ===== Other commands ===== Go to line on Vim: First enter the number of line and press "shift + G"